Business Organization Detail
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C | Corporation | 2/24/1976 | | 2/24/1976 | Domestic | Non-Profit | | 12/7/2001 | Revoked (Failure to File Annual Report) |
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Business Purpose | | Capital Stock | 0.0000 |
Charter County | | Control Number | 0 |
Charter State | WV | Excess Acres | 0 |
At Will Term | | Member Managed | |
At Will Term Years | | Par Value | 0.000000 |
Authorized Shares | 0 | Young Entrepreneur | Not Specified |
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Notice of Process Address | MARY JANE PALMER RD #1 BOX 36 PROCTOR, WV, 26055
Principal Office Address | RT 1 BOX 36 PROCTOR, WV, 26055
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Incorporator | MARY JANE PALMER ROUTE #1, BOX 36 PROCTOR, WV, 26055
Incorporator | ARWANA WADE RD #1 BOX 23 PROCTOR, WV, 26055
President | AND OTHERS
For more information, please contact the Secretary of State's Office at 304-558-8000.