Purpose: Jefferson County, West Virginia Local Emergency Planning Committee C/O Jefferson County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 28 Industrial Boulevard, Suite 101 Kearneysville, WV 25430 Phone: 304-728-3290 Fax: 304-728-3320 Email: lepc@jeffersoncountywv.org Jefferson County Local Emergency Planning Committee Agenda December 18, 2024 I.Call to Order: Chair- John Bresland II.Welcome guests and prospective new members III.Minutes 1.Approval of Minutes of the October 16, 2024 meeting IV.Financial Report: Treasurer- Ed Smith 1.Approval of Financial Report for the Regular and Mass Fatality Accounts a.Regular Account Balance9/30/2024 $ 1,970.97 b.Mass Fatality Account Balance9/30/2024 $10,223.08 V.Unfinished Business 1.Sub Committee reports a.By-Laws: Dick Myers - Chair/David Tabb b.Budget: Ed Smith - Chair/George Ware c.Exercise Sub-Committee: Chair/Don Grubb d.Membership: Chair/Steve Allen e.Public Awareness: Donnie Lee Grubb - Chair/Angela Gordon f.Training and Education: Chair/Don Grubb 2.Exercises a.2024 WV Homeland Security Region 3 Exercise Series: Sandy Green/Don McLaughlin b.Active Assailant School Exercise in support of JC SO/JC BoE: Sheriff Hansen/Lt. Sell c. Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) Training: Lt. Sell/Sandy Green 3.Grants a.SERC Grant: Dick Myers b.HSGP: Sandy Green/Dick Myers c.NPSG: Sandy Green d.HMEP Grant: Sandy Green/Dick Myers i.Update HazMat Plan ii.Updated Commodity Flow Study 4.Training State-Sponsored Training Courses CourseDate/sLocation Wilderness First Aid 12/03-04 Kanawha County Drones for First Responders 12/09-12 Charleston PD Drones for First Responders 01/13-16/25 WV State Police Hdqtrs. Lake CISM Training 03/21-23/25 Pendleton County Upcoming Local Training CourseDate/sLocation Community CPR and Stop the Bleed 12/10/24 JCESA Child and Babysitting Safety 12/12/24 JCESA Community CPR and Stop the Bleed 01/14/25 JCESA Community CPR and Stop the Bleed 02/11/25 JCESA Community CPR and Stop the Bleed 03/11/25 JCESA All classes are being held at the Jefferson County Emergency Services Agency (JCESA) located at 419 Sixteenth Avenue, Ranson, WV 25438 and start at 6PM. FEMA/EMI Training Courses (online) On-demand virtual training opportunity focused on water and wastewater threats provided by the EPA, FBI, and DHS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIvUC6IQRZs IS-100.b - Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100 IS-200.b - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS-700.a - National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction IS-800.b - National Response Framework, An Introduction Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO) Program Training is being offered for those who are interested in becoming a FLO. February, April and July. 5.Planning a.CAMEO generated IAPs for Tier II facilities Steve Allen/Jennifer Barre 6.Tier II reporting facilities a. 41 facilities have reported for the year 2023 VI.New Business VII.Member Sharing Time VIII.Adjournment The next LEPC meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at Hospice of the Panhandle. The meeting will commence at 0815 hours. |