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West Virginia Economic Development Authority
Board of Directors

Date/Time: 7/25/2024 -- 11:00 AM
Telephone Meeting
Dial in information 1-571-317-3122
Access Code 977-466-181

Purpose: Will hold its annual meeting to elect officers in conjunction with its regular monthly meeting. The Board of Directors will also consider and take action on matters including, but not limited to the following:

1. Volume CAP Application - $15,601,987 Empire Diversified Energy, Inc. and/or its affiliates project in Brooke County, West Virginia

2. Inducement Resolution with respect to financing certain solid waste disposal facilities by the West Virginia Economic Development Authority for Empire Diversified Energy, Inc. and/or its affiliates

The WVEAC Annual Board Meeting will be held immediately following the WVEDA Board meeting. The Board of Directors will also consider and take action on matters including, but not limited to the following:

1. Election of Directors and Officers

WVJIT Board Meeting will be held immediately following the WVEAC Annual Board meeting.

Public attendees not participating in person may call 1-571-317-3122, Access Code 977-466-181 or you may request a video link by calling 304-558-3651.

Meeting was accepted : 7/18/2024 1:57:27 PM

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Saturday, July 27, 2024 — 8:45 AM