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West Virginia University Board of Governors

Board Meeting

Date/Time: 9/15/2023 -- 9:00 AM
Barnette BOG Room,
Erickson Alumni Center
Morgantown, WV
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Purpose: 1. Call to Order; 2. Potential Executive Session, under authority in West Virginia Code Sections 6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), (b)(9), (b)(10), and (b)(12) to

discuss: a. Potential strategic initiatives relating to academic and administrative priorities; personnel matters; corporate collaborations and financial matters relating to public private partnerships; the purchase, sale or lease of property; and other deliberative matters involving commercial competition which, if made public, might adversely affect the financial or other interest of the University; b. Possible naming opportunity of a non-academic building; and c. Confidential and preliminary matters involving or affecting the Universitys budget for the current and upcoming academic year, including retention and enrollment; 3. Discussions Emanating from Executive Session if any; 4. Discussion and Vote on Provosts Office Final Recommendations; 5. Fall 2023 Fiscal Leading Indicators (Information Only); 6. Approval of minutes for June 23, 2023, July 31, 2023, and August 22, 2023 board meetings; 7. Information Items (Written Only) including: a. Report of Real Property Transactions Fourth Quarter of FY 2023; b. Educational Materials Report; c. Organizational (Departmental) Change at the West Virginia University School of Medicine: The WVU School of Medicine is creating a Department of Hematology & Oncology; d. Organizational (Departmental) Change at the West Virginia University School of Medicine: The WVU School of Medicine is creating a Department of Cancer Prevention and Control; and e. Assessment of Strategic Initiatives Units and the Office of General Counsel; 8. Consent Agenda (for Board Review and Action), including a. Entry of Institutional Undergraduate Fee Waivers and Institutional Graduate and Professional Fee Waivers; b. Appointment to County Extension Committees; and c. Naming Opportunity for Non-Academic Building; 9. Presidents Report; 10. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2023; and 11. Adjournment

Other items may become apparent or need attention and may be added to the business agenda of the meeting; attention is called to the fact that the agenda of the meeting will be available three days in advance by calling 304-293-2562 or at the website: - items of interest may be added to the agenda up to 48 hours prior to the date of meeting.

Meeting was accepted : 9/8/2023 11:14:18 AM

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Thursday, December 12, 2024 — 8:30 AM