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Meeting Notice Detail

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WV Parkways Authority
Date/Time: 4/22/2021 -- 10:30 AM
WVPA Administration Building
3310 Piedmont Road
Charleston, WV  25306
Purpose: To consider and act upon all matters that may properly come before a regular meeting of the Parkways Authority Board. These matters may include discussion of and possible Board action on the following: Approval of the minutes of the February 25, 2021 Board Meeting; Discussion of and possible vote on issues arising from recommendations forwarded by the Facilities Committee regarding the following: 1) HMS Host Travel Plaza Restaurant Operator Contract Expiration 12/31/21; 2) Beckley Travel Plaza Reconstruction; 3) Tamarack Warehouse; 4) Parkways Toll Collection System Upgrade RFI Update; 5) 10-Year Plan Presentation; and 6) The installation of charging stations (2) at Tamarack to be paid for by the WVDOH and operated and maintained by a vendor contracting with the WVDOH. Details regarding any compensation to WVPA are not yet known. The WVDOH is proposing the site be leased by the Authority to WVDOH. The terms of the lease are as yet unknown. Discussion and/or possible vote on: 1) Reimbursement and Inducement Resolution in Connection with the West Virginia Parkways Authoritys Senior Lien Turnpike Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2021; 2) Memorial Tunnel Update; 3) Extension of Tamarack Facility Staffing Services Agreement with WC Workshop, Inc.; and 4) the purchase of transponders for E-ZPass Customer Service; Discussion and/or approval of the following contracts: 1) BDR-3-21 Bridge Deck Replacement MP 33.93; 2) SB-1-21 REBID Chelyan Salt Building; and, 3) 1A-21 Pavement Rehabilitation; and, other items which may become apparent or need attention and may be added to the business agenda of the meeting; attention is called to the fact that the agenda of the meeting will be available three days in advance by calling 304-926-1900 or at the website; items of business may be added to the agenda up to 48 hours prior to the date of the meeting. The Authority reserves the right to go into Executive Session for appropriate and lawful reasons upon proper motion and vote.

Meeting was accepted : 4/14/2021 2:09:41 PM

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024 — 5:18 AM