Comments | 1 member, who is an employee of the Public Service Commission is to be appointed by the Commissioner of the Public Service Commission.
1 member, who is an employee of the Division of Highways, is to be appointed by the Commissioner of Highways.
1 member, who is a State police officer, is to be appointed by the Superintendent of the State Police.
1 member, who is an employee of the Division of Motor Vehicles, is to be appointed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
1 member, who is an empolyee of the Development Office, is to be appointed by the Governor.
1 member, who is a representative of the Coal Industry, is to be appointed by the Governor.
1 member of the Senate, is to be appointed by the Senate President.
1 member of the House of Delegates, is to be appointed by the Speaker of the House.
1 citizen member is to be appointed by the Governor.
1 member of the largest organization representing coal miners is to be appointed by the Governor.
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