Agency |
Title-Series |
Files |
Name |
Type |
Authority |
Education | 126-136 | 12/16/2013 | Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of Professional/Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classifications (5202) | Legislative Exempt Historical | §§18-1-1, 18-2-5, 18-4-2, 18-8-1, 18-10E-1, 18 A-2-9, 18A-2-12, 18A-3-1, 18A-3-1a, 18A-3-2, 18A-3-2a, 18A-3-2b, 18A-3-3, 18A-3-3a, 18A-3-6, 18A-3-7, 18A-3-10, 18A-3A-2d, 18A-3A-3, 18A-4-1, 18A-4-2a, 18A-4-2b, 18A-4-3, 18A-4-4, 18A-4-8e and 18A-4-20 |