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Business Organization Search

Advanced search options may be selected below. You may select any combination of items, from one to many. Only use these options when you want to be more specific. For instance, if you want all West Virginia counties, do not select the county option. By default, all counties are returned. Only select counties when you want a subset of data, such as Kanawha and Putnam. The search also remembers your search selections. In order to clear all selections and perform a new, clean search, you must click the Reset button. If you would like the results in a CSV file, please use our paid search option.

Please note that these bulk searches may return large result sets and may take up to a few minutes to process. Please be patient when performing a search with these options.

RecordID Search
Advanced Search Options
Street Add This Search Option
City Add This Search Option
  Note: Select city and state to refine your search.
County Add This Search Option
State Add This Search Option
Organization Type Add This Search Option
Secondary Organization Type Add This Search Option
Business Type Add This Search Option
Charter Type Add This Search Option
Effective Date Add This Search Option
Start Date/Greater Than
End Date/Less Than
Active/Inactive Add This Search Option
Termination Add This Search Option
Start Date/Greater Than
End Date/Less Than
Business Purpose
(I have the four digit codes.)
Add This Search Option

(You may enter up to 10 four digit codes, just separate with a comma like this: 1234,2345,9876.)
Business Purpose
(I need to select from a list.)
Add This Search Option

If you would like to print this list, click here.

Employees Add This Search Option
More Than
Fewer Than
This data is based on information submitted by the filer on the most current annual report.
WV Employees Add This Search Option
More Than
Fewer Than
This data is based on information submitted by the filer on the most current annual report.
Woman Owned Add This Search Option

This data is based on information submitted by the filer on the most current annual report.
Minority Owned Add This Search Option

This data is based on information submitted by the filer on the most current annual report.
Owner Military Add This Search Option

This data is based on information submitted by the filer on the most current annual report.
Veteran / Active Military Owned Add This Search Option

This data is based on information submitted by the filer.
Young Entrepreneur Add This Search Option
Education Status
Name of School
Highest Degree Earned
Field of Degree
This data is based on information submitted by the filer.


Do not change or put anything here:

*NOTICE: The West Virginia Secretary of State's Office makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of information. However, we make no representation or warranty as to the correctness or completeness of the information.

Thursday, September 12, 2024 — 6:21 PM